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Use shortcut keys and save time

BusinessGo > Tips & Tricks > Use shortcut keys and save time

Did you know that...

In Business Central, you can save a lot of time by using the built-in shortcut keys. We’ve listed a few handy shortcuts below. We encourage our customers to use shortcut keys. The complete list of shortcut keys can be found in the help menu under Keyboard Shortcuts.

  • The search function (Tell me) can be opened with Alt + Q. The search function allows you to search across the system. If you prefix your search text with an @ you tell the system that your search is case insensitive. A ? in the search text acts as a wildcard. This is useful if, for example, you are not sure how to spell something.
  • Ctrl + F1 opens the help menu for the page you are on
  • F5 refreshes the page you are on
  • Shift F12 gives an overview of the functions your role centre/rights give you access to. From here, you can navigate directly to the desired task or function
  • New entry in a list screen such as a new customer. Press Alt + N
  • Enter a note on the master data Alt + O. Notes are subsequently displayed in the fact box under Attachments
  • Bring up the fact box on a record. Press Alt + F2. The fact box disappears again if you press Alt + F2. Acts as a sort of open/close button
  • Focus (Wide or Narrow layout) on a page can be changed with Ctrl + F12
  • In editable lists, press F8 to copy the field in the same column in the row above and paste it into the current row. With this shortcut followed by Tab, you can quickly fill in the fields of line elements that you want to give the same value as the row above.


Have fun using the shortcut keys in Business Central 🙂