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Quick menu for an easy switch between accounts

BusinessGo > Tips & Tricks > Quick menu for an easy switch between accounts

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Following a major update to Business Central, which took place at the end of 2022, it’s now easier to switch between your different accounts. You do this via the new quick menu in the top bar.

The menu, which is called “Environment: production” or “Environment: sandbox”, is located in the top right corner. Clicking on this will bring up a list of all the companies/accounts that you have available in Production, and if you have access to Test (sandbox) environments these will also appear on the list.
Click on the company you want to open. Then press the arrow on the right side of the Switch button. If you press Switch it will change to the selected company, but if you press Open In New Tab it will open a new tab window in your browser, so you can work with the current company.