When we convert, we use the standard export from e-conomic, defined pr. 1/11/2023, as a bench mark. That means that the following is included in our standard conversion:
In addition, we fill in the basic configuration data according to a best-practice approach.
Data that is not included in standard conversion, due to not being a part of the standard export:
Debtor and creditor entries are reconciled as part of the conversion process in Business Central. This is done to the best of our ability. However, a 100% matching open item list cannot be guaranteed. Any differences must be adjusted manually by canceling and reconciling again in Business Central.
If there have been transactions in different currencies on the same debtor or creditor, the reconciliation may result in larger differences than usual, and the same applies if significant manual exchange rate variances have been recorded in DKK (Danish Krone). It will be necessary to reconcile these differences manually through a financial journal entry with reference to the debtor/creditor and the exchange rate difference account in finance.
It should be noted that it is possible not to choose automatic reconciliation for selected debtors/creditors if desired or appropriate. This is agreed upon during the testing phase before the final conversion.